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براي اطلاع از آپيدت شدن وبلاگ در خبرنامه وبلاگ عضو شويد تا جديدترين مطالب به ايميل شما ارسال شود

Code Center
تاریخ : جمعه 7 شهريور 1393
بازدید : 17616
نویسنده : Arsalan

تغییرات بازی هان  | heroes of newrth نصبت به دوتا | Dota

Andromedahero.gif Andromeda Vengefulspirit.gif Shendelzare Silkwood the Vengeful Spirit (Skill 2) Damage type changed from HP removal to Magic (triggers 'On Damaged' effects)
Blood Hunterhero.gif Blood Hunter Bloodseeker.gif Strygwyr the Bloodseeker (Skill 2) Applies a debuff on heroes on attack; Heroes killed with debuff heal Blood Hunter, regardless of who dealt the killing blow
Chronoshero.gif Chronos Facelessvoid.gif Darkterror the Faceless Void (Skill 1) Also deals Magic damage

(Skill 2) Does not fully avoid damage; heals damage over time; Maximum heal of 25% max health
(Skill 3) Stun procs based on number of attacks

(Skill 4) Boosted ult does not stun allies, slows instead
Corrupted Disciplehero.gif Corrupted Disciple Lightningrevenant.gif Razor the Lightning Revenant (Skill 4) No boosted ult effect
Flint Beastwoodhero.gif Flint Beastwood DwarvenSniper.gif Kardel Sharpeye the Dwarven Sniper (Skill 1) Applies DoT on initial hit; instant damage to towers
Magebanehero.gif Magebane Antimage.gif Magina the Anti-Mage (Skill 2) On use, grants Magic Armor to self and nearby allies
(Skill 3) New skill: Master of the Mantra
Moon Queenhero.gif Moon Queen Moonrider.gif Luna the Moon Rider (Skill 2) Orb effects (Exclusive Modifiers) are applied on bounce

(Skill 3) Different skill from DotA counterpart
(Skill 4) Beam damage independent from level of first skill

Night Houndhero.gif Night Hound Rikimaru.gif Rikimaru the Stealth Assassin -
Sand Wraithhero.gif Sand Wraith Mercurial.gif Mercurial the Spectre (Skill 3) Returned damage is Magic; not split between heroes; damage does not decay based on distance
(Skill 4) Illusions do not expire upon teleporting
Slitherhero.gif Slither Venomancer.gif Lesale Deathbringer the Venomancer (Skill 2) Also reduces Health Regeneration
(Skill 3) Uses charges
Soulstealerhero.gif Soulstealer Shadowfiend.gif Nevermore the Shadow Fiend -
Swiftbladehero.gif Swiftblade Juggernaut.gif Yurnero the Juggernaut (Skill 1) Not Disarmed at level 4, but has slower attack speed
(Skill 2) New skill: Counter Attack
Valkyriehero.gif Valkyrie Priestessofthemoon.gif Mirana Nightshade, Priestess of the Moon -
Wildsoulhero.gif Wildsoul Lonedruid.gif Syllabear the Lone Druid -
Blacksmithhero.gif Blacksmith Ogremagi.gif Aggron Stonebreaker the Ogre Magi (Skill 2) Also reduces Magic Armor
(Skill 3) Also improves Cast Speed
Bubbleshero.gif Bubbles Faeriedragon.gif Puck The Faerie Dragon (Skill 1) Faster projectile; Same max distance
Defilerhero.gif Defiler Deathprophet.gif Krobelus the Death Prophet -
Demented Shamanhero.gif Demented Shaman Shadowpriest.gif Dazzle the Shadow Priest (Skill 2) New skill: Unbreakable
Doctor Repulsorhero.gif Doctor Repulsor Stormspirit.gif Raijin Thunderkeg the Storm Spirit -
Glaciushero.gif Glacius Crystalmaiden.gif Rylai the Crystal Maiden (Skill 2) Can freeze allies, reducing damage taken
Opheliahero.gif Ophelia Holyknight.gif Chen the Holy Knight (Skill 2) Damage is not randomized; Deals Magic damage
(Skill 3) Uses charges
Plague Riderhero.gif Plague Rider Lich.gif Kel'Thuzad the Lich -
Pollywog Priesthero.gif Pollywog Priest Shadowshaman.gif Rhasta the Shadow Shaman (Skill 1) No cap on targeted enemies
(Skill 4) Boosted ult spawns 11 wards; no damage increase
Pyromancerhero.gif Pyromancer Slayer.gif Lina Inverse the Slayer (Skill 3) Attacks and spells apply a stackable DoT
Soul Reaperhero.gif Soul Reaper Necrolyte.gif Rotund'jere the Necrolyte -
Succubushero.gif Succubus Baneelemental.gif Atropos, the Bane Elemental (Skill 4) No boosted ult effect
Tempesthero.gif Tempest Enigma.gif Darchrow the Enigma -
Thunderbringerhero.gif Thunderbringer Lordofolympia.gif Zeus the Lord of Olympia -
Torturerhero.gif Torturer Tormentedsoul.gif Leshrac the Malicious, Tormented Soul (Skill 2) Deals physical damage; same overall damage
(Skill 3) New skill: Agonizing Bonds
Vindicatorhero.gif Vindicator Silencer.gif Nortrom the Silencer -
Voodoo Jesterhero.gif Voodoo Jester Witchdoctor.gif Vol'Jin the Witch Doctor (Skill 2) New skill: Mojo
Witch Slayerhero.gif Witch Slayer Demonwitch.png Lion the Demon Witch -
Wretched Haghero.gif Wretched Hag Queenofpain.gif Akasha the Queen of Pain (Skill 3) Affects not visible units
(Skill 4) Also applies first skill DoT on targets
Accursedhero.gif Accursed Lordofavenus.gif Abaddon the Lord of Avernus (Skill 4) Does not automatically activate; Boosted ult can be activated while silenced (but not while stunned)
Armadonhero.gif Armadon Bristleback.png Rigwarl the Bristleback -
Behemothhero.gif Behemoth Earthshaker.gif Raigor Stonehoof the Earthshaker (Skill 4) No boosted ult effect
Devourerhero.gif Devourer Butcher.gif Pudge the Butcher (Skill 1) Deals Physical damage

(Skill 2) Slow persists for 2 seconds after leaving radius
(Skill 3) Static Strength gain for all levels

(Skill 4) Buffs Devourer based on channeling time
Hammerstormhero.gif Hammerstorm Rogueknight.gif Sven the Rogue Knight (Skill 3) Instant cast time
(Skill 4) Cannot be purged
Jeraziahhero.gif Jeraziah Omniknight.gif Purist Thunderwrath the Omniknight (Skill 3) Does not reduce Attack Speed
Keeper of the Foresthero.gif Keeper of the Forest Treantprotector.gif Rooftrellen the Treant Protector (Skill 2) Different skill from DotA counterpart
Legionnairehero.gif Legionnaire Axe.gif Mogul Khan the Axe (Skill 2) New skill: Terrifying Charge
(Skill 3) Guaranteed to proc at least every 12 hits taken
Magmushero.gif Magmus Sandking.gif Crixalis the Sand King (Skill 3) Not an Orb Effect (Attack Modifier); can be turned off
Pebbleshero.gif Pebbles Stonegiant.gif Tiny the Stone Giant (Skill 3) New skill: Slab Skin
(Skill 4) No boosted ult effect
Pestilencehero.gif Pestilence Slithereenguard.gif Slardar the Slithereen Guard -
Pharaohhero.gif Pharaoh Clockwerkgoblinhero.gif Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin (Skill 4) Boosted ult grants version that also impacts ally heroes; Can keep original ult
Gladiatorhero.gif Gladiator Knukka.gif Kunkka the Admiral -
Tundrahero.gif Tundra Beastmaster.gif Rexxar the Beastmaster (Skill 3) New skill: Cold Shoulder
War Beasthero.gif War Beast Lycanthrope.gif Banehallow the Lycanthrope (Skill 2) Reversed scaling on mana cost
(Skill 4) Grants Unitwalking


New heroes


  HoN ItemDotA EquivalentDifferencesPrice
Abyssal Skullitem.gif Abyssal Skull Vladimirs Offeringitem.gif Vladimir's Offering   2050
Acolyte's Staffitem.gif Acolyte's Staff Mystic Staffitem.gif Mystic Staff   2700
Alchemist's Bonesitem.gif Alchemist's Bones Hand of midasitem.gif Hand of Midas Can store up to 2 charges

Cannot be used on player-controlled creeps

Amulet of Exileitem.gif Amulet of Exile Null Talisman   485
Apprentice's Robeitem.gif Apprentice's Robe Robe of the magiitem.gif Robe of the Magi   450
Arcanaitem.gif Arcana Oblivion staff.gifOblivion Staff   1675
Assassin's Shrouditem.gif Assassin's Shroud Lothars Edgeitem.gif Lothar's Edge The recipe requires Broadsword instead of Claymore 3400
Astrolabeitem.gif Astrolabe Mekansmitem.gif Mekansm   2306
Axe of the Malphaiitem.gif Axe of the Malphai Messerschmidts Reaveritem.gifMesserschmidt's Reaver   3200
Bananasitem.png Bananas Cheeseitem.gifCheese   0
Barbed Armoritem.gif Barbed Armor Blade mailitem.gifBlade Mail Reflects 80% of damage for 5 seconds 2700
Barrier Idolitem.gif Barrier Idol Khadgars Pipe of Insightitem.gifKhadgar's Pipe of Insight   3653
Bastard Sworditem.gif Bastard Sword Claymoreitem.gifClaymore This item no longer exists in HoN 1400
Beast Heartitem.gif Beastheart Vitality Boosteritem.gifVitality Booster   1100
Behemoth's Heartitem.gif Behemoth's Heart Heart of Terrasqueitem.gifHeart of Tarrasque +0.75% of Max Health regenerated per second 5500
Blessed Orbitem.gif Blessed Orb Ultimate Orb.gifUltimate Orb   2100
Blood Chaliceitem.gif Blood Chalice Soul ring.gifSoul Ring Recipe changed to Crushing Claws, Mark of the Novice, and Scarab

Trades 150 health for 100 mana; mana gain is permanent
Heals for 150 health if an enemy hero within 700 AoE dies within 15 seconds of use

Bolstering Armbanditem.gif Bolstering Armband Belt of giant strenght.gifBelt of Giant Strength   450
Bottleitem.gif Bottle Empty bottle.gifEmpty Bottle   600
Bound Eyeitem.gif Bound Eye Gem of true sight.gifGem of True Sight   700
Broadsworditem.gif Broadsword Broadsword .gifBroadsword Gives +19 damage 1300
Brutalizeritem.gif Brutalizer Cranium Basher.gifCranium Basher Recipe changed to Mighty Blade, Quickblade, and 1100 gold recipe 3100
Charged Hammeritem.gif Charged Hammer Mjollnir.gifMjollnir   5500
Codexitem.gif Codex Dagon.gifDagon Recipe changed to Neophyte's Book, 2 Punchdaggers, and 1000 gold recipe 3000
Crushing Clawsitem.gif Crushing Claws Gauntlets of Strenght.gifGauntlets of Strength   150
Daemonic Breastplateitem.gif Daemonic Breast Plate Assault Cuirass.gifAssault Cuirass   5550
Dancing Bladeitem.gif Dancing Blade Eaglehorn.gifEaglehorn   3000
Doombringeritem.gif Doom Bringer Divine rapier.gifDivine Rapier   6200
Duck Bootsitem.gif Duck Boots Slippers of agility.gifSlippers of Agility   150
Dust of Revelationitem.gif Dust of Revelation Dust of Appearance.gifDust of Appearance Stacks in inventory 180
Elder Parasiteitem.gif Elder Parasite Mask of madness.gifMask of Madness   1900
Ghost Marchersitem.gif Ghost Marchers Phase boots.gifPhase Boots On Use effect does not cancel upon item or skill use 1500
Firebranditem.gif Firebrand Yasha.gifYasha   2250
Flayeritem.gif Flayer Buriza-do Kyanon.gifBuriza-do Kyanon This item no longer exists in HoN (replaced with upgradable Riftshards). 6250
Fleetfootitem.gif Fleetfeet Boots of elvenskin.gifBoots of Elvenskin   450
Fortified Braceritem.gif Fortified Bracer Bracer.gifBracer   510
Frostburnitem.gif Frostburn Sange and Yasha.gifSange and Yasha Has a guaranteed stacking Movement Slow 4500
Frostfield Plateitem.gif Frostfield Plate Shivas guard.gifShiva's Guard On Use attack projectile speed twice as fast 4700
Frostwolf's Skullitem.gif Frostwolf's Skull Eye of Skadi.gifEye of Skadi Recipe changed to Icebrand, Blessed Orb, Glowstone, and 700 gold Recipe.

Slow works with single-target skills

Geometer's Baneitem.gif Geometer's Bane Manta style.gifManta Style   4850
Gloves of the Swiftitem.gif Gloves of the Swift Gloves of Haste.gifGloves of Haste   500
Glow Stoneitem.gif Glowstone Point booster.gifPoint Booster   1200
Guardian Ringitem.gif Guardian Ring Ring of protection.gifRing of Protection   175
Halberditem.gif Halberd Javelin.gifJavelin This item no longer exists in HoN 1500
Health Potionitem.gif Healing Potion Healing salve.gifHealing Salve   100
Hellfloweritem.gif Hellflower Orchid malevolence.gifOrchid Malevolence On Use effect also Perplexes (Disable item use)

Amplifies damage immediately

Helm of the Black Legionitem.gif Helm of the Black Legion Vanguard.gifVanguard   2225
Helm of the Victimitem.gif Helm of the Victim Helm of iron will.gifHelm of Iron Will   950
Homecoming Stoneitem.gif Homecoming Stone Scroll of town portal.gifScroll of Town Portal   135
Hungry Spirititem.gif Hungry Spirit Mask of death.gifMask of Death   900
Icebranditem.gif Icebrand Sange.gifSange Has a guaranteed stacking Movement Slow 2250
Icon of the Goddessitem.gif Icon of the Goddess Soul Booster   3300
Insanitariusitem.gif Insanitarius Armlet of Mordiggian Recipe changed to Helm of the Victim, Gloves of the Swift, Steamstaff, and 500 gold Recipe.

Stats equal to the sum of its parts

Iron Buckleritem.gif Iron Buckler Stout Shield   250
Iron Shielditem.gif Iron Shield Poor Man's Shield   550
Kuldra's Sheepstickitem.gif Kuldra's Sheepstick Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse   5675
Lifetubeitem.gif Lifetube Ring of Health   875
Logger's Hatchetitem.gif Logger's Hatchet Quelling Blade   225
Mana Batteryitem.gif Mana Battery Magic Stick Heals 10 Health and 15 Mana per charge 210
Mana Potionitem.gif Mana Potion Clarity Potion   50
Manatubeitem.gif Manatube Void Stone   875
Marchersitem.gif Marchers Boots of Speed   500
Mark of the Noviceitem.gif Mark of the Novice Mantle of Intelligence   150
Mighty Bladeitem.gif Mighty Blade Ogre Axe   1000
Minor Totemitem.gif Minor Totem Ironwood Branch   53
Mock of Brillianceitem.gif Mock of Brilliance Radiance   5150
Monkey Courieritem.gif Monkey Courier Animal Courier   200
Mystic Vestmentsitem.gif Mystic Vestments Planeswalker's Cloak   400
Neophyte's Bookitem.gif Neophyte's Book Staff of Wizardry   1000
Null Stoneitem.gif Null Stone Linken's Sphere Recipe cost reduced to 1000

Grants +10 Damage

Nullfire Bladeitem.gif Nullfire Blade Diffusal Blade When upgraded, extra charges roll over, instead of resetting to 8 3300
Pickled Brainitem.gif Pickled Brain Energy Booster Cost reduced to 900 900
Plate Mailitem.gif Plate Mail Plate Mail   1400
Portal Keyitem.gif Portal Key Kelen's Dagger of Escape Can be held by Andromeda (Vengeful Spirit) & Devourer (Butcher)

Targeting beyond maximum range travels the maximum length

Post Hasteitem.gif Post Haste Boots of Travel After teleporting, applies a +200 Movement Speed bonus; dispelled on action 2700
Power Supplyitem.gif Power Supply Magic Wand Recipe changed to Mana Battery, 2 Minor Totems, and 290 Gold recipe <br\>

Heals 10 health and 15 mana per charge

Pretender's Crownitem.gif Pretenders Crown Circlet of Nobility   185
Punch Daggeritem.gif Punchdagger Blades of Attack   500
Puzzle Boxitem.gif Puzzlebox Necronomicon Limited stock; 2 stacks initially, gaining 1 per 10 minutes, maximum of 9 2350
Quick Bladeitem.gif Quickblade Blade of Alacrity   1000
Refreshing Ornamentitem.gif Refreshing Ornament Headdress of Rejuvenation   603
Restoration Stoneitem.gif Restoration Stone Refresher Orb Refreshes item cooldown as well (except another Restoration Stone and Shrunken Head) 5300
Riftshardsitem.gif Riftshards Crystalys Recipe cost changed to 950.

Can be upgraded 3 times.

Ring of the Teacheritem.gif Ring of the Teacher Ring of Basilius   500
Ringmailitem.gif Ringmail Chainmail   550
Runed Cleaveritem.gif Runed Cleaver Battlefury Recipe requires 2 Broadsword instead Broadsword and Bastard Sword 4350
Runes of the Blightitem.gif Runes of the Blight Ancient Tango of Essifation   90
Sacrificial Heartitem.gif Sacrificial Stone Bloodstone Grants bonus Max Health and Health Regeneration per charge 5050
Savage Maceitem.gif Savage Mace Monkey King Bar Requires 2 Warhammer instead 2 HalberdProc does not work with illusions 5400
Scarabitem.gif Scarab Sobi Mask   325
Shaman's Headdressitem.gif Shaman's Headdress Hood of Defiance   2050
Shield Breakeritem.gif Shieldbreaker Stygian Desolator   4400
Shield of the Fiveitem.gif Shield of the Five Nathrezim Buckler   803
Shrunken Headitem.gif Shrunken Head Black King Bar   3900
Slayeritem.gif Slayer Demon Edge   2200
Snake Braceletitem.gif Snake Bracelet Talisman of Evasion   1800
Soulscream Ringitem.gif Soulscream Ring Wraith Band   460
Staff of the Masteritem.gif Staff of the Master Aghanim's Scepter   4300
Steambootsitem.gif Steamboots Power Treads   1450
Steamstaffitem.gif Steamstaff Quarterstaff +2 damage, including all recipe items that require a Steamstaff 800
Stormspirititem.gif Stormspirit Eul's Scepter of Divinity   2800
Sustaineritem.gif Sustainer Perserverance   1750
Sword of the Highitem.gif Sword of the High Sacred Relic Cost reduced to 3400 3400
Symbol of Rageitem.gif Symbol of Rage Satanic   6150
Tablet of Commanditem.gif Tablet of Command Force Staff Recipe changed to Apprentice's Robe, Neophyte's Book, and 500 gold Recipe. 1950
Thunder Clawitem.gif Thunderclaw Maelstrom   3000
Token of Lifeitem.gif Token of Life Aegis of the Immortalitem.gifAegis of the Immortal   0
Trinket of Restorationitem.gif Trinket of Restoration Ring of Regeneration   350
Void Talismanitem.gif Void Talisman Ghost Scepter   1500
Ward of Revelationitem.gif Ward of Revelation Sentry Wards Sold in stacks of 1 200
Ward of Sightitem.gif Ward of Sight Observer Wards Sold in stacks of 1 200
Warhammeritem.gif Warhammer Mithril Hammer   1600
Warped Cleftitem.gif Warpcleft Hyperstone   2100
Whispering Helmitem.gif Whispering Helm Helm of the Dominator Dominated creeps have a permanent life time. 1850
Wingbowitem.gif Wingbow The Butterfly   6000
Winged Courieritem.gif Winged Courier Flying Courier   400

Exclusive Items

  HoN ItemNotesPrice
Harkon's Bladeitem.gif Harkon's Blade Unique to HoN 5100
Major Totemitem.gif Major Totem Unique to HoN 540
Nome's Wisdomitem.gif Nome's Wisdom Unique to HoN 2300
Plated Greavesitem.gif Plated Greaves Unique to HoN 1503
Ring of Sorceryitem.gif Ring of Sorcery Unique to HoN 1700
Spellshardsitem.gif Spellshards Unique to HoN 2575
Stridersitem.gif Striders Unique to HoN 800
Token of Sightitem.gif Token of Sight Unique to HoN 0
Token of Stealthitem.gif Token of Stealth Unique to HoN 0
Ancient Janggo of Endurance.gif Ancient Janggo of Endurance Unique to DotA 1725
Arcane boots.gif Arcane Boots Unique to DotA 1500
Orb of venom.gif Orb of Venom Unique to DotA 600
Ethereal blade.gif Ethereal Blade Unique to DotA 5260
Medalion of Courage.gif Medalion of Courage Unique to DotA 1075
Smoke of Deceit.gif Smoke of Deceit Unique to DotA 200
Urn of shadows.gif Urn of Shadows Unique to DotA 875

:: موضوعات مرتبط: Dota , ,
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بازدید امروز : 13
بازدید دیروز : 70
بازدید هفته : 264
بازدید ماه : 1328
بازدید کل : 12493
تعداد مطالب : 39
تعداد نظرات : 108
تعداد آنلاین : 1


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